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Dawn of War Soul Storm Easy Mode

This addon adds a new win condition, which impersonates small battles of the Warhammer university. Little and limited forces allow players to concentrate on micromanagement. Players should fight for each warrior, actively use covers and pay lots of attention to their battle strategy.

This version works for both Dark Crusade and Soulstorm


  • Buildings and builders are not used in this game mode.
  • All players have already prepared and reinforced army at the start.
  • Players do not have resources and can not receive them, so fallen warriors can not be replaced.
  • Player, who will fully destroy the hostile army wins.
  • It is a wincondition for multiplayer, not for skirmishes with AI (Though it can be played such way), because AI is unsuitable for these conditions without builders and buildings (Especially Necrons).

Example of an army at the start:
For Eldar race

The theory of balance:

  • All races nominally have 15 cap points total: 10 points for infantry and 5 points for vehicles.
  • Commanders (Command Squad, Warboss and Archon) are not counted in this 15-cap points limitation.
  • At least one vehicle with at least 3 points of support cap exists for every race.
  • In some cases missing cap points are replaced (compensated) by additional alternative points (Missing vehicle points can be used for infantry) or granted completed research(es) for the reasons of balance and to not to make armies too similar to each other.
  • One granted research is counted as one cap point.
  • Researches, which just increase parametres are not granted. Only active abilities are granted to give more way for micromanagement and picturesqueness.

Main restrictions:

  • Units with "Commander" armour are not used* to increase the role of basic infanrty.
  • Units which do not use squad cap are not used to make balance calculations more accurate*.
  • All races do not have more, than two vehicles or 5 support cap in total (But it can be less) to not to devalue infantry.
  • Every race has units or abilities against vehicles.
  • Units which can exist in only one amount (Especially powerful) are not used for the reasons of balance*.
  • Units with infiltration ability are not used for the reasons of balance.
    *Except primary commanders

Peculiar properties of some races:

  • Imperial Guard and Dark Eldar are an exception of rules and they have some requisition and energy at the start to reinforce their Commanders' squads.
  • Orks have 60 population cap - 50 as a half of max infantry cap points (like 10 of 20 for other races) and 10 additional points for 2 unused vehicle cap points (2 of 20 is the same as 10 of 100), Commander is not counted (62 with him).

Install your files into the main game directory.
For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Dawn of War - [Dark Crusade/Soulstorm]

Compatibility with other addons and mods:
Instant Action should be compatible with all addons and mods except those, which add new races. It does not replace original files, so you can try to launch it with anything without harmful consequences for your files.

Q: When I start a game with this win condition I receive an objective with incorrect text. What is the problem?
A: I have sacrificed these texts in favor of compatibility (See above). However, if you do not use mods, which add new .ucs entries, variant with uncut objective is aviliable:

Gratitude sheet:
Thanks to Ultimate Apocalypse mod team: Krronus, Lord_Cylarne, Gentry_joey, Gambit_1 and Cosmocrat as scripts from their mod were used as a base for Instant Action.
Thanks to CornCobMan as his script was used as an example for some functions of this win condition.

Originally this game mode was created for Dark Crusade only. Soulstorm content was added just before the release.
